About Us


The patient must always be  
at the centre of the system


Prof. Raffaele Garofalo, founder of the Garofalo Group, has continually based his professional and entrepreneurial activity on this principle, paying particular attention to the excellence of healthcare organizations, and always keeping up with the times, both in terms of scientific research and knowledge, and in terms of technological innovation.

All the Group’s activities are carried out in accordance with this principle in order to guarantee the highest level of quality assistance, because, as Professor Garofalo says:


Health is the most valuable asset   
men and women can possess


The provision of services at the Villa Garda Clinic is based on the following key principles:

  • Equality: our services are provided in full respect of citizens’ rights, and based on the principle of non-discrimination with regard to sex, race, language, religion and political opinions. We guarantee equal treatment for all categories of patients. Villa Garda is committed to taking all the necessary steps to enable disabled persons to benefit easily and freely from our services.
  • Impartiality: Villa Garda fully adheres to the principles of objectivity, justice and impartiality.
  • Continuity: our services and assistance are provided continuously, regularly and without interruption. In the event of national labour strikes or any other exceptional situation that could interrupt the provision of services or its regularity, Villa Garda will take the necessary action to cause minimum inconvenience to patients.
  • Right to Choose: in accordance with the provisions of the law, and structural, technical and professional norms, we respect the right of patients to choose whether or not to avail themselves of the services provided by Villa Garda.
  • Participation: Villa Garda guarantees and encourages patient participation in the provision of health care services. In this way, we seek to achieve a twofold objective: safeguard the patient’s right to the correct use of services, and facilitate cooperation with our operators.
  • Efficiency and Effectiveness: Villa Garda takes appropriate measures to ensure an efficient and effective high-quality service. This means that the Clinic strives to achieve the highest possible level of efficiency and functionality in all its services.
  • Right to Consent: to increase awareness and shared decision-making in the choice of diagnostic-therapeutic treatment, a "therapeutic alliance" has been created for faster recovery and healing.
  • Right to privacy and confidentiality: the personal information and medical records of all our patients are handled in accordance with privacy laws. Patients are also guaranteed full confidentiality during medical visits and exams.
  • Safety measures: Villa Garda issues an annual patient safety plan and adopts all necessary measures to ensure that patients suffer no harm or damage during diagnostic and therapeutic treatment.
  • Right to avoid suffering and unnecessary pain: this right is respected during all phases of the patient’s illness.