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The functional rehabilitation is the correct function restoration of body compartment affected by trauma, surgery or chronic pain.

The functional rehabilitation programmes of Clinica San Francesco include exercises conducted actively by patient and passive techniques carried out by physiotherapist focused on recovery of articular movement, muscle tone and postural patterns and original motors. The pysiotherapeutical sessions can provide for the use of equipments or floor exercises, besides mobilizations and manual procedures carried out by the specialist.

The global postural rehabilitation and proprioceptive rehabilitation are part of functional rehabilitation.



The global postural rehabilitation is a riabilitative therapy. Its objective is to restore the static and dynamic body balance when is compromised by surgical operations, incorrect postures or chronic pains.

The pysiotherapeutical treatment consists in keeping progressive stretching postures of antigravity muscles, with the active participation of patient and physiotherapist’s management.

Therapeutic indications

  • Articular acute or chronic pains
  • Articular arthrosic pains (hip, knee, shoulder)
  • Muscle contractures
  • Postural imbalances (hyperkyphosis, scoliosis)
  • Respiratory or neurological dysfunctions
  • Orthopaedic deformities (flatfoot, hollow foot, valgus deviation or varus deviation of knee)



The proprioceptive rehabilitation is the totality of pysiotherapeutical esxercises and procedures focusing on the body proprioception restoration, that is the ability to detect and identify the body position in the space regardless of eye control.

The importance of proprioception is known for a long time by the Clinica San Francesco’s specialists, since its involvement in the movement and balance control. Stimulating the ability of proprioceptive receptors, this type of rehabilitative exercises turn out to be particularly useful in rebuilding an adequate motor pattern and in the prevention of accidents, for example after an operation.

Therapeutic indications

  • Postoperative rehabilitation
  • Articular arthrosic pains (hip, knee, shoulder)
  • Muscle contractures
  • Postural imbalances (hyperkyphosis, scoliosis)
  • Orthopaedic deformities (flatfoot, hollow foot, valgus deviation or varus deviation of knee)

