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The fundamental role of anesthesia in surgical operations

Specialized anesthetist nurses help the anesthesiologist and resuscitation physicians carrying out their activities in Clinic operating rooms.

Through the collaboration of operating room staff, the anesthesiologic unit (anesthesiologist and anesthetist nurse) and surgery team (surgeon, instrumentalist, operating theatre nurse) assure the success of all operations.

The anesthesiologists implement preoperative evaluations for patients who must undergo an operation, defining which pain therapy is more suitable for single case.


Types of anesthesia

The choice of anesthesia is task of operating anesthesiologist and it will be proposed to patient in his/her exclusive interest and caring his/her health. The chosen strategy depends on patient’s characteristics (morphological, hematochemical examinations, in progress and/or previous diseases), kind of operation, patient’s experience and personal preference.

At the Clinica San Francesco every type of anesthesiologic procedure (from general to locoregional anesthesias) is carried out. Infiltration and topical anesthesias are even carried out for surface surgery operation.

The locoregional and local anesthesia procedures can be carried out only or integrated with various levels of sedation in order to assure always the analgesia (lack of pain) and the best comfort for patient in operating room.

