Magnetic resonance imaging

Magnetic resonance imaging tests have high spatial resolution, excellent tissue contrast and have the advantage of not using ionizing radiation. The contrast medium, used in specific cases, increases the differences between the tissues, allows characterizing the type and degree of vascularization of the solid alterations and obtaining an angiographic evaluation of the various anatomical districts.

The new 1.5 Tesla “Helium Free” MRI, considered among the first models in the world and in use by very few private facilities in Italy, is equipped with a revolutionary technology that allows MR imaging operations to be carried out at the highest level, in faster times and with greater comfort for the patient, with an extremely reduced quantity of liquid helium.




The machine is also equipped with bright LEDs, the shade of which can be chosen by the patient based on their preferences, thus allowing the effects of chromotherapy. The patient will be able to carry out the exam by looking at the relaxing image of plants and trees reproduced on the wall or that of the blue sky on the ceiling.

The MRI tests carried out in VILLA BERICA include neuro, body and osteoarticular examinations:

  • Brain
  • Neck
  • Liver, Kidneys, Adrenal, Pancreas, Spleen
  • Retroperitoneum - Pelvis - Anus Rectum
  • Prostate multiparametric examination
  • Cholangiopancreatography-MRCP
  • Spinal column/cord MRI
  • Peripheral Neuropathies





Calderone Milena


D'Antonio Valentina

Radiologo ed Ecografista

Liessi Federica


Liessi Guido


Mardari Rodica


Ortolan Paolo

Radiologo ed Ecografista