



Since May 2016, a number of doctors at Hesperia Hospital have wanted to establish a non-profit organization (ETS), which would enable them to provide highly qualified staff to help, at Hesperia Hospital and anywhere in the world, children in need of highly specialized care.

The Association exclusively pursues purposes of social solidarity. It intends to operate in the field of charity, both direct and indirect, as provided for in Article 10 paragraph 2a of Legislative Decree 460/97, as well as in the field of social and socio-health care for the disadvantaged, by carrying out the following primary activities:

  1. assisting children of any nationality suffering from congenital or acquired diseases that limit the quality of life or may cause its end;
  2. supporting indigent families of the children mentioned in the previous point by offering them reimbursement of travel and living expenses during medical treatment, therapy and surgery;
  3. promote medical progress for the treatment of congenital or acquired diseases that are infrequently encountered and for which there is not yet adequate welfare coverage;
  4. promote the training of health personnel from countries most in need.


Visit the website of Hesperia Bimbi ETS


Any donations can be made at Banca Popolare dell’Emilia Romagna BPER:

  • Account nr.: 2438752
  • Headed to: Hesperia Bimbi ETS
  • IBAN: IT 20 I 05387 12900 000002438752
  • BIC (Swift Code): BPMOIT22XXX