Submitted by ghc.content on Wed 12/06/2023 - 14:34


Not invasive diagnosis thanks to ultrasounds and immediate medical reports

The oupatient services of the Clinica San Francesco include even numerous ultrasound services. These examinations provide for ultrasounds and permit to detect in not invasive and innocuous way structural alterations at the expense of the several apparatus or organs. 
The success of examination in part also depends on by patient’s constitutional characteristics and can consider for some compartments a minimum preparation (for example fasting, full bladder).

The delivery of ultrasound medical report occurs at the same time of the single diagnostic services, except for particular indications of the physician.


Conventional Radiology

Medical imaging examinations thanks to X-ray technology

The specialized health center of the Clinica San Francesco includes a modern Radiology Unit able to provide complete diagnostic services.

The radiology is the medicine branch which attends to provide images, useful to define the diagnosis by X-rays. The duration of test changes based on the number of body parts to examine; furthermore depending on the diagnostic examination to carry out, the position to keep can be standing, in front of the device, or laid down on couch. The patient will be also asked to keep still and hold his/her breath for a few seconds.

Although the conventional radiography of interested compartment is neither painful nor invasive, during the test the radiographer will always be able to see and listen the patient.

Since it is an outpatient service using X-ray, it is important to inform if there is a verified or alleged pregnancy. The delivery of medical report occurs within three working days.


Magnetic Resonance Imaging

The safe imaging diagnostics for health

The Clinica San Francesco is the right choice if you look for a specialized centre in Verona where you can carry out the magnetic resonance imaging, and achieve the medical report as soon as possible.

This test uses a magnetic field and radio frequency waves to obtain very detailed body images. It does not use X-rays and represents a painless diagnostic test also executable shortly and especially safe for the health.

During the test, which can last between 20 and 40 minutes depending on the treated body part, the patient is asked to remain still on couch. For a correct working of magnetic resonance imaging is necessary to remove any object or garment containing metal parts.



Comprehensive breast screening for increased prevention

Medical prevention is a very important value for Clinica San Francesco, especially when the health of many women is at stake. Among the outpatient services in the diagnostic department, an important role is played by breast examination.

This type of investigation includes several diagnostic tests:

  • breast examination
  • mammography
  • breast ultrasound

Mammography consists of an X-ray of the breasts lasting about ten minutes. Generally, the examination is painless, but it may happen, however, that some women experience some discomfort due to compression of the breasts. 
The ultrasound technician will print two images for each breast, top to bottom and side to side; if the patient has previously had a mammogram, medical specialists will compare the new images with previous diagnostic investigations.

Before performing the examination, it is important to know whether the patient is in an established or presumed pregnancy. 

When to do needle aspiration

When the presence of secretion or a nodule that needs further diagnostic investigation is detected, the patient is informed of the need to proceed with further examinations including needle aspiration, with which material is taken for anatomopathological study.

In nonpalpable lesions, needle aspirates are guided by ultrasonography or mammography. In this case, the radiologist personally informs the patient of the result of cytohistological samples taken during the diagnostic procedure.


Computed Tomography

Extensive areas of application and more effective diagnostics

Among the Clinica San Francesco’s diagnostic tests is possible to carry out also specialized examinations as the Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT). What is CAT for?

The CAT (Computerized Axial Tomography) is an imaging diagnostic procedure using a particular X-rays machine, whose source rotates around the patient, allowing him/her to obtain an image section from different angles.

The X-rays are detected only after they have passed through the body and their identity has been measured; the rays that passed through the less dense tissue, as the lungs, will be stronger, whereas those have been absorbed by the more dense tissue, as the bones, will be weaker. A computer can use these information to calculate the tested tissues density, elaborating the outcomes and showing them in a two-dimensional image.

When the examination uses a contrast agent is necessary to fast at least eight hours, except for the usual drugs. Moreover it is fundamental to know if the patient is in verified or alleged pregnancy.

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Senology - Mammography



Conventional Radiology




Magnetic Resonance Imaging



Computerized Axial Tomography

