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Thanks to international experience and education of its specialists, the Clinica San Francesco carries out several cosmetic correction operations, originated by traumas or diseases, or operations to improve the patient’s look.

Every surgical operation is preceded by a consultation in which the specialist analyzes in depth the patient’s request, identifying the best solution in connection with needs, expectations and personal history of patient.

The Clinic carries out these cosmetic operations:

  • Breast plastic and cosmetic surgery
  • Additive mastoplasty: breast increase with or without prosthesis
  • Reducing mastoplasty: breast reduction
  • Mastopexy: breast remodelling with or without prosthesis
  • Correction of gynecomastia: male breast reduction
  • Reconstructive breast surgery: post-mastectomy breast reconstruction through lipid injection or other autologous matter
  • Face plastic and cosmetic surgery
  • Blepharoplasty: eyes rejuvenation and bursas removal, with or without eyebrowe arch lifting
  • Otoplasty: correction of protruding ears
  • Face lifting: face rejuvenation and remodelling of subcutaneous structures del volto rimodellamento delle strutture sottocutanee
  • Rhinoplasty: nose modelling
  • Rhinoseptoplasty: simultaneous correction of cosmetic and functional part of nose, correction of nasal pyramid deviation and nasal deviation
  • Chin plastic surgery: chin modelling
  • Body plastic and cosmetic surgery
  • Liposuction and liposculpture: correction of localized adiposity
  • Abdominoplasty: reduction of abdominal skin excess or abdominal muscle wall plasty
  • Lifting of thighs / arms / knees / ankles / glutei: enhancement of skin tone
  • Intimate surgery: female external genitalia modelling operations  



La chirurgia plastica è una branca della chirurgia che si propone di correggere e riparare i difetti morfologico-funzionali o le perdite di sostanza di svariati tessuti (cute, sottocute, fasce, muscoli, ossa, ecc.) sia congenite, che secondarie a traumi, neoplasie o malattie degenerative.

La chirurgia plastica opera su qualsiasi distretto corporeo. Ciò comporta che la chirurgia plastica ha diverse sub-specializzazioni: la chirurgia della testa-collo, la chirurgia della mammella, la chirurgia della mano, il rimodellamento corporeo, la chirurgia degli arti inferiori, la chirurgia delle ustioni, la chirurgia ricostruttiva, e la chirurgia estetica.


We perform the following activites:

  • Rejuvenation of the face and body, through the treatment of wrinkles and the revitalization of the skin.
  • Treatments aimed at eliminating spots, hair, spider veins (telangiectasias) and tattoos can be planned.
  • Cellulite and localized fat reduction are treated through innovative technologies.