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Our centre collaborates with highly qualified specialists who have the necessary experience and professionalism. In addition, it is equipped with advanced diagnostic equipment that allow patients to have a detailed medical assessment through a complete check-up. It is fundamental to carry out periodic medical check-ups for the prevention of some of the most frequent and at times severe pathologies.

A so-called check-up is valuable only if it is interpreted as “an assessment of the individual’s state of health” and not simply for the sake of carrying out a test.

The real additional value of this type of health service is the fact that the assessment of a health condition is not just a summary of clinical examinations but an assessment of a broader framework performed by an experienced doctor who evaluates the test results and the personal psychophysical characteristics of the individual. The specialist combines these elements and takes into consideration the possible risk factors present that in time may alternate health conditions.

An internist coordinates all the examinations, the necessary specialist visits and the in-depth diagnoses. The medical coordinator explains the concluded results to the patient via a final medical report.

This program is based on a common platform as follows:

A. "Case-manager" taking charge by collecting the medical history data via a computerized system that simplifies and facilitates collection and preservation. In addition to the classic family, physiological and pathological medical history that can be either recent or in the past, these elements are also taken into consideration: superfluous habits, diet, physical activity, anthropometric data, drug history and work records.
In this way, a database is set up of the patient that will be used for subsequent checks and to organize the calendar of planned services which will be subsequently performed in a single facility.

B. Laboratory tests, specialist examinations and specialist visits based on the case manager’s indications.

C. A concluding final visit with the “case-manager”.

Any further diagnostic tests will be prepared and programmed based on what has emerged during previous treatments and examinations.

The course of treatment is clearly terminated in the event of negative results. It may be useful to schedule a new assessment with different deadlines based on the age or according to what the "case manager" advises.

If particular evidence should emerge that needs to be further examined, the "case manager" will provide his/her own recommendations and the assessment will be based on traditional guidelines and not on standardized procedures. The "case manager" together with the patient will also establish a close relationship with the attending GP where any diagnostic and therapeutic course will be addressed personally and in a purely clinical and integrated way.

The goal is to provide a high-quality service that acts in the interests of the patient to protect his/her health in the broadest sense, and, more importantly, to provide a highly qualified structure that can support the patient, especially in the undesirable event of further health assistance.

Finally, we would also like to emphasize the costs contained in this course of treatment.

Our philosophy entails restricting as much as possible the examination times to a space of a single day, from morning to afternoon, providing the required health services (and relating costs) as needed by the necessary research even if this implies a more burdensome procedure.
